b"TruroBeachParkingInformatio nTrurohaselevenbeautifuloceanandbaysidebeaches.Parkingatthese beachesislimitedandrestrictedtovehiclesbearingavalidTrurobeach parkingsticker.StickersareavailabletoTruroresidents/taxpayersandnon-resident visitors staying in Truro. Stickers may be purchased online or at the Beach Office, located at 36 Shore Road (Route 6A). The Beach Office is open dailyfrom9:00amto5:00pmstartingmid-JunethroughLaborDay.The officecanbereachedbyphoneat508-487-6983.Truroalsoprovidesdaily public parking at Head of the Meadow Beach on the ocean side and Corn Hill Beach on the bay side for a daily fee. Stickers do not guarantee a parking space. Trurohasanowaitingpolicy,butbeachattendantsareavailableto recommend beaches with open spots. Except for Fisher Beach, Ryder Beach, and Noon's Landing, all Town beach parking lots have portable toilet facilities. Currently, lifeguards protect Head of the Meadow Beach. Ocean currents and undertows can be very hazardous and dangerousmarinelife,includingGreatWhiteSharks,shareTruro'swaters. Bathers,swimmers,surfersandboatersshouldadheretopostedrulesand recommendations, exercise caution, and practice safe swimming, surfing and boating. Climbing on dunes or accessing the beaches by using paths other than thosedesignatedisnotpermittedandcouldbedangerous.Beachfiresare allowed at certain beaches. To obtain a beach fire permit, contact the Truro FireDepartmentat508-487-7548.Limitednumbersofpermitsareavailable for each beach.Cards Handmade Paper Antiques and Much More 3 Great Hollow Road Truro, MA 02666 508-487-03953737"