b'InthemiddlepartofthenineteenthcenturythePametHarbor shoaled in.This ended the shipbuilding and the easy access to the bay with an all weather harbor for a refuge.Beach Point threatened East Harbor, which hadbecomeaccessibleonlyatthehighesttidesinthe FallandSpring.Farmingalonewouldntsustainabooming economy,soTrurostarted getting smaller as many of the best and the brightest moved away.ShortlyaftertheCivilWartherailroadcamethroughTrurowith itsterminusinProvincetown.Transportationandaccesswasnow availableonamorereliablevenuethantheweather,tideandsea.ThosefarmersleftinTrurohaddiscoveredthatsandysoilwas excellentforgrowing asparagus and turnip.Asparagus for the Boston Yankees, turnip for the Irish, a swamp garden, a few cows and chickens, a lot of hard work and a decent living could be made. Cranberries had always grown in the wild inTruro.Theproblemwasthathandor dryharvestingwastime consuming and expensive;in the later part of the1800s,wetharvestingbecamepopular.Itwascheapandvery profitable.Not withstanding the agreeable summer climate, salt water bathing prevented the exposure to Polio.Ocean swimming has insured Truros popularity long after vaccines were developed. Still, Truro was a sleepy little town as it entered the 20th century.It did have three whistle stops, South Truro, Pamet Harbor and North Truro.Given its isolation the flu pandemic was not as severe as in other parts of the country.Truro did have a number of victims, as local cemeteries can attest. The biggest event in Truros history was yet to come.Shortly after World War II, the Federal Government straightened and rebuilt Route 6.Millions and millions of people were now a days drive away from Truro.Route 6 was wider, smooth and modern; and they came.On many days during the summer season Truro may have as many as 15,000 people enjoying the sun, the woods and the beach. Another substantial factor in todays Truro is the creation of the National Seashore in 1960.This has preserved almost 2/3rds of Truro in its natural state.Truro is very fortunate that much of what the Pilgrims saw and the Pamets enjoyed will be there for future generations of Truro citizens and visiting guests.Please take advantage of what Truro has to offer and enjoy. 45'